TOP LOCATION: Fishermans Bend was rezoned in 2012 to allow for future development. Picture: acfonline.org.au
July 2012: Fishermans Bend land rezoned and a Strategic Framework Plan established to guide future development.
September 2012: A plan for developing the Montague Precinct is released.
December 2012: First planning permit lodged for high-density residential development (in Montague Precinct).
September 2013: Draft Vision released for community comment.
May 2014: Plan Melbourne released, confirming strategic importance of an expanded central city and the urban renewal role for Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area.
July 2014: Strategic Framework Plan released to include design guidelines and guidance in developing the Lorimer Precinct.
October 2014: Fishermans Bend recast as a series of distinct neighbourhoods.
February 2015: City of Melbourne releases draft Lorimer Structure Plan for consultation.
April 2015: A fifth precinct, the Fishermans Bend Employment Precinct, is added.
April 2015: Interim height limits are introduced for Lorimer, Wirraway, Montague and Sandridge.
May 2015: Three apartment projects worth $570 million combined are approved.
July 2015: General Motors Holden put 37ha of its Employment Precinct land on to the market.
July 2015: A $30 million, 20-storey tower with 98 apartments and space for cafés, restaurants and offices is approved for Ferrars St, South Melbourne, in the Montague Precinct.
October 2015: Fishermans Bend Advisory Committee releases first report.
November 2015: Government leaders announce the purchase of the first future park in the Montague Precinct.
November 2015: Fishermans Bend’s first project, Gravity Tower, starts construction.
February 2016: Designs of South Melbourne Primary School, the first new school in Fishermans Bend and Victoria’s first “vertical school”, are revealed.
Quarter 1, 2016: Plans for the five precincts and infrastructure to be revealed to the community.
Mid-late 2016: Formal plans finalised and exhibited.
January 2018: South Melbourne Primary School set to open on Ferrars St, South Melbourne, in the Montague Precinct.