Melbourne’s population growth requires significant investment acccording to Infrastructure Australia
A new article published by the Nine Network yesterday discusses whether Melbourne’s transport system can cope with the population boom? And quite rightly so in our opinion. One of the factors that will make Fishermans Bend such a compelling area to live in will be it’s access to the city and amenities in the area.
Whilst there is of course the need for all new infrastructure projects to be completed including the East West Link, North East Link, West Gate Tunnel, Metropolitan ring road and improvement to existing public transport, especially the train network. There is also a need to plan and deliver new public transport links into Fishermans Bend.
Fishermans Bend has a distinct advantage over most suburbs in Melbourne because of it’s proximity to the City. It is so close to the CBD and all of its amenities. Some parts of Fishermans Bend are as little as 1km from the city and the extremities up to 2.5km away. This means that most amenities including employment centres, education campuses, world class shopping, Melbourne’s bay beaches and restaurants can all be accessed by foot or cycle. So despite the increasing population in middle and outer ring suburbs, Fishermans Bend will always remain accessible.
This access to amenity is regardless of the huge planned infrastructure spend in the area. The draft framework includes two new underground Metro stations and light rail into the spine of the urban renewal area. In addition to that new cycle paths, bus routes and walking tracks will allow for residents to easily move around within the area and into the surrounding precincts.
In our opinion residents of Fishermans Bend will benefit from the proximity to the City at a time when population growth is strong and movement around the city is increasingly difficult and time consuming.